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Concert dedicated to Mother Earth♡​  

1st of June 2019 kl 16 

Location: Norrtälje



Yoga och Sound Healing Retreat

 29-31 of March 2019

​Welcome to a weekend in purification, healing and transformation.

​Location: Gaia Life, Fjärås

Cost: 3200 kr​ incl. meals and accomodation



Yoga with Sound Journey & Sankalpa​

6 of Januari 2019, kl 16-18

Location: Studio Karma




​Fullmoon Ceremony with Soundhealing​

November 23rd 2018, kl 19.00-21.00

Location: Andrummet, Norrtälje



Consert: Mantra & Healing Songs​

November 2nd 2018​, 17.30-19.00

Location: Studio Karma

Tickets: 250 kr


Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training


Yoga & Sound bath​

9th of June, 30th of June, 5th of August 2018

kl 10-12

Location: Studio Karma

Tickets: 250:- â€‹



Workshop "Sacred Sounds" & Concert, Gaia Unity Shamanic Gathering i Fjärås, 6-8 of July 2018





Workshop "Sacred Sounds"

Inspirationsfestivalen i Skattungbyn 13-15 of July 2018​​



Sound Healing Ceremony

2:nd of May, Studio Karma kl 18-20 2018​

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