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- HOME | Gro
Gro Heart Medicine Music Welcome to my homepage. This is a space for music, healing & ceremonies.
- CONTACT | Heart Medicine Music | Gro | Sweden
CONTACT Welcome to Join My Mailing List Subscribe Now Thank you for submitting! Booking & Contact: gro@groiro.se
- ABOUT | Heart Medicine Music | Gro | Sweden
In a Timeless Now... I live in the forests of Sweden, where I also record and produce my music. Since I was a child, music and sound healing has been an important part of my life. I’ve always been very sensitive to energies. Everything in the universe consists of energy, and all energy vibrates in its specific frequency. And all frequencies can be translated into sound. All is sound. The whole universe is singing. In nature each tree, stone, flower and piece of grass has its own unique vibration, and if we really tune in and listen with our full presence we can hear the song of it. I spend a lot of time in the forest. When I wander in the woods I let my consciousness wander to realms beyond. The wild nature mirrors the wild within, shows me into my innermost being, my true nature. From the forest, the earth and the stars. From the space of timelessness is where I find my inspiration for my way of living and my music. - Gro ABOUT
- WORKSHOPS & CONCERTS | Heart Medicine Music | Gro | Sweden
Concert dedicated to Mother Earth♡ 1st of June 2019 kl 16 Location: Norrtälje Yoga och Sound Healing Retreat 29-31 of March 2019 Welcome to a weekend in purification, healing and transformation. Location: Gaia Life, Fjärås Cost: 3200 kr incl. meals and accomodation Yoga with Sound Journey & Sankalpa 6 of Januari 2019, kl 16-18 Location: Studio Karma Fullmoon Ceremony with Soundhealing November 23rd 2018, kl 19.00-21.00 Location: Andrummet, Norrtälje Consert: Mantra & Healing Songs November 2nd 2018 , 17.30-19.00 Location: Studio Karma Tickets: 250 kr Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training http://www.yogakraft.se/utbildningar/stockholm/kundaliniyogalararutbildning-steg-1/ Yoga & Sound bath 9th of June, 30th of June, 5th of August 2018 kl 10-12 Location: Studio Karma Tickets: 250:- Workshop "Sacred Sounds" & Concert, Gaia Unity Shamanic Gathering i Fjärås, 6-8 of July 2018 www.gaialife.se Workshop "Sacred Sounds" Inspirationsfestivalen i Skattungbyn 13-15 of July 2018 www.inspirationsfestival.se Sound Healing Ceremony 2:nd of May, Studio Karma kl 18-20 2018
- MUSIC | Heart Medicine Music | Gro | Sweden
music You can find my music on Spotify N E W R E L E A S E VIDEO // AGUA DE ESTRELLAS (SONG WRITTEN BY MIGUEL MOLINA) VIDEO// KUNDALINI VIDEO // GAIA (video by Niklas Andersson) VIDEO// RUOVI VIDEO // MY MEDICINE VIDEO // FEHU (filmed by Robert Blombäck) VIDEO // VÄGVISAREN VIDEO // DREAMCATHER (video by Niklas Andersson) A glimpse from the meadow of the elves. 10 min energy transformation - a movement meditation